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What is a Fleece Centric Wheelchair Throw?

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What is a Fleece Centric Wheelchair Throw?


September 2023


This Fleece Centric Wheelchair Throw was inspired by my mother.  After every back surgery she required physical therapy at a skilled nursing facility.  It was very apparent there was no convenient place for her to protect her "coveted personal possessions".  These possessions had no real monetary value, but were so important to her; TV remote, glasses, tissues, notepad, pen, hand wipes, chap stick, weekly meal menu, therapy schedule, crackers, and trinkets. These everyday items provided her security and comfort.  The nightstand, although bedside, was not convenient and her health problems made opening the drawer impossible.  At the time I was busy, and I regret I did not provide her a solution.  Now hopefully, I can make a difference for someone else in her memory.  She would like the solution this Wheelchair Throw provides as she always loved to help others.


 Image of items in pocket of Wheelchair Throw


Most importantly this Wheelchair Throw has a hidden, zippered, mesh pocket designed to store all your GOTOs; keeping small things at arm’s reach. Just what my mother needed to store her "coveted possessions".  No more hunting for your cell phone, TV remote, tissue, crackers, mints, candy, book, glasses and sunglasses.  The mesh pocket is 18 x 18 inches, with a 14 inch zippered opening, and is accessible at lap level from one side of this reversible throw. 


 Image of zippered pocket of Wheelchair Throw

Image of pocket in Wheelchair Throw
Note: Pocket is pulled out so you can see the mesh fabric.



A Fleece Centric Wheelchair Throw is sized with consideration for chair limitations.  This Wheelchair Throw is a little narrower and shorter at 29 x 43 inches to eliminate unnecessary bulk.  With rounded corners for a stylish look this design also inhibits the throw from getting tangled in the chair wheels. This throw is made from 2 layers of fleece and crafted like a handmade quilt. 

Rounded corners and quilt style binding


Laundry - Washing and Drying - Forgotten items in the pocket.

My concern regarding laundry for the Wheelchair Throws almost made me reconsider making these throws.  Do I provide the benefit of having a place to conveniently store these "coveted possessions" or the risk of these items remaining in the pocket during the laundry process.  It is imperative to remove items from the pocket before laundering.  The pocket may contain sensitive items like cell phones, hearing aids, dentures, and glasses. In a skilled nursing facility medication is not a concern, but for someone at home any prescription medications or medical devices would also potentially be ruined if not removed from the pocket. 

In the end the benefits prevailed.  A fleece pattern can bringing someone joy and provoke memories, the warmth and comfort of the cozy fleece throw, and the benefit of the storage capabilities for these "coveted possessions"  seemed to be an ideal problem solver. 


From my experience, regarding patient laundry options at skilled nursing facilities, you are given the choice for the facility to do the laundry or the family to take the laundry home to do.  With either of these laundry options it is important to remove the stored items from the pocket before laundry.  Most likely the facility isn't going to be aware of the need to remove items from a throw, so probably your only option is doing the laundry at home - at least for the Wheelchair Throw.

My best suggestions is maybe you buy two Fleece Centric Wheelchair Throws, one to use and one to change-out during one of your next visits.  You can move items from one pocket to the other and take the used throw home to be washed and dried and change-out at your next visit.  You may also consider two different fleece patterns which might be fun/enjoyed by the user.